



    軍階 Commission

    將官 General officer

    特級上將 General of the Armies

    五星上將 Five-Star General


    陸軍 Army

    元帥 General of the Army

    上將 General

    中將 Lieutenant General

    少將 Major General

    准將 Brigadier General

    上校 Colonel

    中校 Lieutenant Colonel

    少校 Major

    上尉 Captain

    中尉 Lieutenant

    少尉 Second Lieutenant

    准尉 Warrant officer

    士官長 Master sergeant

    上士 Sergeant

    中士 Staff sergeant

    下士 Corporal

    一等兵 Private 1st class

    二等兵 Private

    軍士 Petty officer


    海軍 Navy

    元帥 Admiral of the Fleet

    上將 Admiral

    中將 Vice- Admiral

    少將 Rear- Admiral

    准將 Commodore

    上校 Captain

    中校 Commander

    少校 Lieutenant Commander

    上尉 Lieutenant

    中尉 Junior Grade

    少尉 Ensign

    准尉 Warrant officer

    士官長 Chief petty officer

    上士 Petty officer 1st class

    中士 Petty officer 2nd Class

    下士 Petty officer 3rd Class

    一等兵 Seaman 1st Class

    二等兵 Seaman 2nd Class


    空軍 Air Force

    元帥 Field Marshal

    上將 General

    中將 Lieutenant General

    少將 Major General

    准將 Brigadier General

    上校 Colonel

    中校 Lieutenant Colonel

    少校 Major

    上尉 Captain

    中尉 Lieutenant

    少尉 Second Lieutenant

    准尉 Warrant officer

    士官長 Master sergeant

    上士 Sergeant

    中士 Staff sergeant

    下士 Corporal

    一等兵 Private 1st class

    二等兵 Private

    軍士 Petty officer


    陸軍總司令部 Army General Headquarters

    海軍總司令部 Navy General Headquarters

    空軍總司令部 Air Force General Headquarters

    聯勤總司令部 Combined Service Force General Headquarters

    軍 Army Corps

    軍管區 Army control district

    團 Regiment

    團管區 Regiment control district

    兵團 Legion

    混成團 Mixed regiment

    民團 Local militia

    教導團 Training regiment

    師 Division

    旅 Brigade

    混成旅 Mixed brigade

    營 Battalion

    騎兵營 Cavalry squadron

    連 Company

    排 Platoon

    班 Squad

    最高統帥 Supreme Commander

    大元帥 Generalissimo

    元帥 Marshal

    陸軍元帥 General of the Army

    海軍元帥 Fleet Admiral

    空軍元帥 General of the Air Force

    參謀次長 Chief of the General Staff

    副參謀長 Deputy Chief of the General Staff

    參謀次長 Assistant Chief of the General Staff

    高級參謀 General Staff

    軍事顧問 Military adviser

    三軍總司令 Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces

    陸軍總司令 Commander-in-Chief of Army

    海軍總司令 Commander-in-Chief of Navy

    空軍總司令 Commander-in-Chief of Air Force

    聯勤總司令 Commander-in-Chief of Combined Service Force

    憲兵司令 Provost Marshal

    邊防司令 Commander of Frontier Defense

    軍團司令 Army Corps Commander

    前哨司令 Outpost Commander

    指揮官 Officer in Command

    副指揮官 Second in Command

    軍長 Army Commander

    團長 Ragimental Commander

    師長 Divisional Commander

    旅長 Brigade Commander

    副旅長 Brigade Major

    營長 Battalion Commander

    連長 Company Commander

    排長 Platoon Leader

    排附 Platoon sergeant

    班長 Squad Leader


    兵種 Branch

    正規軍;常備軍 Armed forces Regular

    野戰軍 Field army

    陸軍 Army

    海軍 Navy

    空軍 Air force

    方面軍 Army group

    聯勤 Combined service force

    憲兵 M.P.(military police);gendarme

    步兵 Infantry

    輕步兵 Chasseur

    傘兵 Paratrooper

    砲兵 Artillery

    高射砲兵 Anti-aircraft artillery

    野戰砲兵 Field artillery

    兵工 Ordnance

    工兵 Engineer troops

    鎗手 Gunner

    砲手 Cannoneer

    裝甲兵 Armor

    通訊兵 Signal

    架設兵 Line men

    輺重兵 Impedimenta troops

    運輸兵 Transportation troops

    敢死隊員 Perdue

    狙擊兵 Sniper

    水兵 Seaman

    蛙人 Frog man

    國民兵 National guard

    傳令兵 Messenger

    號兵 Bugler

    掌旗兵 Color bearer

    哨兵 Picket

    勤務兵 Striker

    傭兵 Hireling

    炊事兵 Cook

    火伕 Stoker

    侍應兵 Stewardsman

    侍應學兵 Steward apprentice

    侍應新兵 Steward recruit

    武裝人員 Armed personnel

    戰鬥人員 Combatant

    防衛部隊 Carrison troops

    高級軍官 Top brass(俗稱)

    儀仗隊 Honor guard

    新兵 Rookie

    後備軍人 Reservist

    退伍軍人 Rctired

    民兵;義勇軍 Militia

    長官 Superior

    部下 Subordinate

    軍官 Officer

    預備軍官 Reserve officer

    軍士 Petty officer

    聯絡官 Liaison officer

    士兵 Enlisted man

    新兵 Recruit

    副官長 Adjutant General

    副官 Aide

    隨從 Retinue

    軍閥 Warlord

    宿將 Veteran


    軍語 Military term

    軍區 Military region; Military district

    番號 Code-name; unit designation

    軍事發言人 Military spokesman

    隨軍記者 Accredited correspondent


    義務役 Obligatory military service

    常備兵役 Service for regulars

    志願役 Voluntary military service

    軍官役 Service for officers

    國民兵役 National guard service

    士官役 Service for enlisted men

    免役 Exemption from military service

    徵兵 Conscription

    服役年限 Limitation of military service

    教育召集 Education recall

    臨時召集 Special recall

    勤務召集 Service recall

    動員召集 Mobilization recall

    點閱召集 Muster recall

    軍人津貼 Military allowances

    心理戰 Psychological warfare

    空戰 Air warfare

    核子戰爭 Nuclear warfare

    海戰 Maritime operations

    游擊戰 Guerrilla warfare

    中立 Neutrality

    民防 Civil defense

    戒嚴 Martial law enforcement

    和平主義 Pacifism

    武裝部隊 Armed forces

    徵兵法令 Draft law

    徵兵 Draft

    徵召 Draft

    兵役年齡 Draft age

    兵役年限 Hitch

    免役 Exemption of induction

    除役 Separation

    退伍令 Order of Retirement

    退役 Retirement

    軍階年資 Time in grade

    志願兵 Volunteer

    補充兵 Replacement

    後備兵 Reservist

    退役軍官 Retired officer

    預備軍官 Reserve officer

    預備士官 Reserve Non-commissioned Officer

    現役 Active service

    入伍 Enlist

    逃兵 Deserter

    管訓 Reformation training

    禁足 House arrest

    禁閉 Confinement

    部署 Deployment

    動員 Mobilization

    動員令 Mobilization order

    備戰演習 Combat readiness

    演習代號 Code name

    軍眷 Dependents

    緩召 Deferment

    募兵 Volunteer


    政治作戰部 Political War-fare Department

    國防部軍事工程局 Military Construction Bureau,MND

    國防部政工幹校 Political Staff School,MND

    聯檢處 Clearence Office

    人事處 Personnel Division

    補給處 Supply Division

    軍法處 Judge Advocate Department

    師管區司令部 Division Area Command

    聯絡官室 Liaison office

    軍眷管理處 Armed Forces Dependant welfare

    聯勤總令部 Combined Service Forces General Headquarters

    聯勤後勤署 Quartermaster Service

    勤務處 Training & Organization Division

    撫卹處 Gratuity Department

    軍人保險管理委員會 Military Personnel Insurance Commission

    海軍補給署 Bureau of Supply & Account

    外事處 Foreigh Affairs Service Department

    生產署 Production Service

    艦政署 Bureau of Ships

    兵工署 Ordnance Service

    工程署 Engineering Service

    通信署 Signal Service

    軍醫署 Medical Service

    運輸署 Transportation Service

    空軍高射砲司令部 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Command

    防空司令部 Air Defense Command

    民防隊 Civil defense troop

    陸軍防守司令部 Sector Defense Command

    要塞司令部 Fortress Headquarters

    海軍造船所 Navy yard

    海軍修械所 Ordnance Repair work

    指揮參謀學校 Command & General Staff School

    黃埔軍官學校 Wampoa Military Academy

    海軍機械學校 Naval College of Technology

    海軍士兵學校 Naval Nations Training Center

    陸海空軍總醫院 Armed Forces General Hospital

    國防醫學院 National Defense Medical Center


    免役禁役緩徵緩召實施辦法 Bylaws of Military Service Exemption, Restriction, Suspended Draft, and Suspended Summon

    役男出境處理辦法 Exit Procedures for Man of Conscription Age

    役男申請服替代役辦法 Application Procedure for Substitute Service by Man of Conscription Age

    服兵役役男家屬生活扶助實施辦法 Bylaws of Supports for Substitute Service Dependents

    家庭因素及替代役體位服補充兵役辦法 Procedures for Conscription Male Taking Complementary Service with Physical Condition Qualified for Substitute Service for Family Factors

    國籍法 Law of Nationality

    國籍法施行細則 Enforcement Regulations of the Law of Nationality

    替代役役男身分證製發管理作業要點 Guidelines for Production Control of Substitute Service ID

    替代役役男服役期滿後召集服勤實施辦法 Bylaws of Procedure for Post Summon of Substitute Service for Duties

    替代役役男保險實施辦法 Establishment Guidelines of Substitute Service Advisory Committee

    替代役役男訓練服勤管理辦法 Control Procedures of Training & Duties of Substitute Service

    替代役役男提前退役辦法 Earlier Retirement Procedure for Substitute Service

    替代役役男輔導教育辦法 Substitute Service Consulting Education Procedure

    替代役役男撫卹實施辦法 Bylaws of Substitute Service Insurance Program

    替代役役男獎懲辦法 Substitute Service Disciplinary Procedure

    替代役役男請假規則 Substitute Service Leave Request Regulations

    替代役役男薪俸地域加給及主副食費發放辦法 Bylaws of Rights of Substitute Service

    替代役役男權利實施辦法 Bylaws of Substitute Service Relief

    替代役役籍管理辦法 Substitute Service Conscription Domicile Control Procedure

    替代役軍事基礎訓練實施計畫 Military Basic Training Program for Substitute Service

    替代役備役役男管理作業規定 Control Regulations of Reserved Substitute Service

    替代役審議委員會設置要點 Establishment Guidelines of Substitute Service Advisory Committee

    替代後備役役男管理作業規定 Control Regulations of Reserved Substitute Service

    結合全民防衛動員準備體系執行災害防救應變及召集實施辦法 Response and Buildup Rules of Jointing National Defense Mobilization Stand-by System

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